Oral Tolerance

Optimal nutrition from the start to avoid allergies
The term “oral tolerance” describes the process in which the gastrointestinal tract learns to recognize the absorbed food as nutrients and not create an immune reaction. This insures that there is no allergic reaction to the food eaten.

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Deworming with Herbs


I have always wondered that intestinal parasites supposedly will kill a dog or a cat if left untreated. If you look at the perfect balance of nature, it seems unusual that a parasite would kill its host or that the host has absolutely no benefit from the parasite, as would be the norm in nature.
It is possible to deworm a dog with natural ingredients such as herbs.

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Garlic Toxicity in Dogs

A few words on the feeding of garlic

Time and again dog owners write to me to educate me about the danger of feeding garlic to dogs. A few scientific studies have determined that plants of the Allium family, especially onions and garlic, can be toxic to dogs. These reports of Allium species being potentially toxic to dogs have been adopted and disseminated by many pet websites without any critical reflection or analysis of the above-mentioned studies.

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Food Energetics

Many pet owners today have discovered raw or cooked homemade diets as a healthy alternative for their pets.

Although there is a lot of information available about nutrient content, bioavailability and energy content of various food items, the aspect of food energetics is not widely known.

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New! YouTube Channel

I’d like to introduce you to my new YouTube channel.

I will be posting new videos every week about herbalism, holistic health & alternative medicine for animals, as well as some fun videos of my pets and related topics. There are two channels; one in German and one in English. Since I am a beginner in editing videos please bear with me while I learn and improve.
Please like and share them and subscribe to my channel so that you don’t miss any new videos.

Here is my latest video introducing my dogs:

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